2:31 AM

Are we Losing Patience?

IN a constant desire to win and dominate there is something really important we are losing on. Imagine, being stuck in a seemingly endless traffic jam, or standing in a long queue at ATM…we sigh and murmur to ourselves, “What the heck is going on?”

We just don’t have time! So we get irritated and annoyed. Exasperated, we start cursing the way things are, disregarding the fact that we are also a part of this whole chaos.

However, this was not the scenario even a few decades ago. Times were when we used to just sit and talk to our family, or friends, or even pets for that matter. But today, we are all so messed up in meeting deadlines, chasing desires, that we just don’t have time.
Do you realize what are we losing?

Where is all the tolerance gone?
Are we falling prey to our own ambitions, our craving to get more in least possible time?
It’s a topic worth dwelling on! Think of the last time when you watched TV patiently, without flicking channels for half an hour. There is hardly an instance to tell.

Impatience is creeping rapidly down inside our psyche. You agree or don’t agree we have lost our power to keep calm. All we want is to dictate everything around us, to have them move and act anyway we want. But unfortunately, we cannot alter the predestined scheme of things.
But still, we try only to realize how foolish we are. We feel more frustrated, anxious and futile. Such feelings make way for impatience.

Now, the question is, ‘How do you expect us to keep perseverance in midst of turmoil?’
Fair enough! We are human beings, not god. We are bound to give up patience under sufferings. That’s the best we can do.

Sorry, but I don’t agree! That’s not the best we can do. Let me tell you this, we can all learn to be more patient. Even the most impatient person can master this skill by exercising some mind control. Idea of cultivating patience revolves around respecting acts and opinions of others.
Sometimes in a futile attempt to attain this state of mind, we put meditation, yoga or spirituality into practice. Yet everyday we see ourselves at swords with our patience on trifling matters, too insignificant to be even mentioned here.

Surrendering to your undue demands is no solution. Acknowledge your flaws. Don’t let impatience take its toll on your mind and body. Get real, talk to yourself, find logics (appearances can be deceptive at times), and visualize positive things.

Give it a thought guys! Developing patience just calls for a desire to change. So, next time when you find yourself at the tipping point of losing patience indulge in some self-control.


Adil Amir said...

nice n inspiring...